Sunday, October 31, 2010

Watch This Space?

If you understand the meaning of personal space well, then give me my personal space yet, you may observe this space from afar. I will be a bombing bombshell of awesomeness, creativity and enthusiasm. My life begins now and I have taken it by the paws and will never look behind me, this is my time and I will shine.

By starting my career as a Public Relations Practitioner already put me in the arms of a well experienced and exposed consultancy where I will grow in the celebrity and hospitality market. Regarding my personal life, this was never an issue to begin with. My friends are always there for me no matter in what situation I'm in I know that I can always count on them to back and push me forward to accomplishing my goals.

My family have always been there yet, will be there even more now that my space is ready for action. I'm bursting with positivity and ready for what ever life will throw my way I just hope that all challenges are not too hectic and that I learn from my mistakes. I'm growing and I'm moving fast and it feels good to know that my life is filled with endless possibilities.

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